الأحكام والشروط

The Website is provided to you for your personal use subject to these terms and conditions and any other rules posted on the Website (including our Privacy Policy) (the “Terms and Conditions”).

By visiting the Website you agree to be bound by, consent to comply with, and consent to the practices described in, these Terms and Conditions, which govern your access and use of the Website and all content and functionalities available on the Website (or any of our other websites and related micro-sites accessed through the URL ZillianFashion.com and related domain names) (the “Services”).

If you wish to use our Services you must read and agree to be bound by our policies relating to those Services. In particular, your attention is drawn to our policies relating to the terms of purchase and our Privacy Policy. If you are aged under 18, you must let your parent or guardian know about our سياسة الخصوصية before you register to use this Website or any of the Services.

We grant you a non-transferable and revocable personal license to use the software that is provided to you by us as part of the Website, for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of our Services, as provided by ZillianFashion in the manner permitted by the Terms and Conditions. Commercial use or use on behalf of any third party is prohibited, except as explicitly permitted by us in writing in advance. Any breach of these Terms and Conditions shall result in the immediate revocation of the license granted in this paragraph without notice to you, and without prejudice to any other rights of Level.


Certain Services and related features, such as but not limited to, newsletters, that may be made available on the Website may require registration or subscription to enable your use of them. Should you choose to register or subscribe for any such Services or related features, you agree to provide complete, accurate and current information about yourself, and to promptly update such information if there are any changes. We may change our registration or subscription requirements from time to time. As a user of the Website you are solely responsible for keeping passwords and other account identifiers safe and secure. As a user of the Website you are entirely responsible for all activities that occur under such password or account. Furthermore, you must notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account. ZillianFashion shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, in any way for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of, or in connection with, your failure to comply with this paragraph. You may be liable for our losses or others due to such unauthorized use.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how we use your data.

سلة المشتريات